#51 MONIFAKTUR- Eine Hommage an die CD
- Words
- Monja Gentschow
In the beginning of the 80s the Compact Disc was invented to save digital data and to sell music again that had already been on the market and to replace disk records. Today the CD is more and more driven out of the market by the MP3 format and will soon only be used to carry data or serve as a frisbee.
As I am moving in a couple of days I decided to sort out my last CDs. The five CDs left were visualized by me and Eric Tiedt and immortalized on these blank discs. Although the music on our CDs might be questionable there are still some nice memories linked to it like buying your first disc or spending hours and hours in the CD shop around the corner to find the right album. Below you can find a small selection of our homage to the CD. If you would like to have one please drop a comment naming your favourite CD-Hit.
Vielen Dank an Sharpie, die uns mit feinen Fine-Linern versorgt haben!