Alvaro Sanchez-Montañes
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We have showed you many photographers and their work over the years and sometimes I wonder whether we have not seen it all. But then it is even more refreshing to keep on finding new perspectives and new impressions that convince us because of their unusual singularity. Of course one could think that these photographs would have to be more extraordinary or extravagant but often the good things are the simplest ones.
+ Read MoreThe Spanish photographer Alvaro Sanchez-Montañes manages to find always something spectacular in the unspectacular and makes his pictures so particular is a combination of a profound peacefulness and a powerful dynamic. But how does he do it? Sometimes it is a particular viewing angle; other times it is an intuitive aesthetic of colour and then there is always a strong sense for clarity of style and composition. In his portfolio there are hardly any people that meet the spectator’s gaze directly; Sanchez-Montañes rather uses the power of addressing the subject indirectly; like people that are in motion, which turn away or refer to something else. His images of landscapes are filled with life by the movement of clouds and wind or by dynamic elements, such as a powerful growing tree or they tell stories, like the one of the sand that conquered a whole town in Namimbia.
All images © Alvaro Sanchez-Montañes