The Wall of Books
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
The working title of The Wall of Books by dutch artist Anouk Kruithof is ‘Enclosed content chatting away in the colour invisibility’ and was first built in 2009. On every exhebition the bookwall gets installed in a different order and thus changes its apperance and becomes a new piece of art every time it is set up. In 2008 Kruithof has been collecting these 3,500 so found coloured books.
+ Read MoreMost books are from the early 20th century and are destined to be around in 1 Euro bookshops in Berlin or ending up at the ‘Papierbank’, which is a recycled dump for paper, where they are rotting away and becoming meaningless. The artist loves books and with her installation she is aiming to stop the disappearing of books, presenting them in a strong wall, which is instable at the same time. Kriuthof likes to invent new things out of fragments of the past and is revitalizing the books by using them as objects (bricks). One could also look at it as analogue pixels.
All images © Anouk Kruithof