Presents for Le Corbusier


Born 125 years ago, Le Corbusier’s legacy as a designer, architect and writer is one of the most influential in the history of modernist architecture. Students at Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL) followed the task to design him some birthday presents.

The students in the industrial design programme were challenged to create objects and furniture that might create a dialogue with Le Corbusier´s architecture by simultaneously enhancing the space and taking inspiration from it. The resulting collection is respectfully, appropriately, beautiful in its execution. Lights, shelving, hooks, sofas, rugs and ornaments – the excerpt, as seen here in the project catalogue, are the simple, functional and mobile solutions to a design brief which has been realised as if it were set by the great man himself.

All images © Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne (ECAL)
