Jared Muralt


Bern-based Jared Muralt is one of our favorite illustrators. We really like how detailed yet effortless his drawings are and we especially enjoy the view into his Sketchbook. Thus we were really happy, when he agreed to our interview. Instead of answering just in words he does what he can best; he draws.

Jared’s passion for comics drove him towards pen and ink at young age and he is carrying his sketchbook everywhere. He is also a member and founder of the illustration and graphic design studio BlackYard. Enjoy.

How do you feel today?

What do you do in your spare time?

What’s your secret passion?

What’s your favorite spot?

Your latest genius purchase?

How does the source of inspiration look like?

Who’s your childhood hero?

How do you picture us?

All images © Jared Muralt

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