Insta Fav#48: Melody Hansen
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
Melody Hansen was born in a little town in Switzerland, and moved to Canada 7 years ago. She is currently 23 years old living in the suburbs of Toronto, working as a freelance graphic designer and musician/songwriter. Melody has grown a love for capturing every-day moments with her iPhone, whether those moments are fragile, simple or filled with depth and contrast.
+ Read MoreShe finds a lot of beauty in the sharing of these intimate moments between the photographer and the photograph, hence why she appreciates Instagram so much. She says: ‘I’m inspired by the lines on the tree trunks, by the songs of the birds, by the movement of the ocean waves, and I’m learning to take every day as a new chance to be and grow. Afterall, I’m simply learning to breathe.’
Follow: @themelodyh
Click here and check Insta Favs#47 with Beau Bertens