Insta Favs #50: Stephen Alkire


Stephen Alkire, our Insta Fav #50 was born in Dallas, Texas. He was brought up in the church as his father was a pastor. They moved a lot though in the age of 13 he ended up in the great state of Washington where he immediately lost his heart to it’s beauty. Stephen’s passion for photography grew right out of high school. Instagram was his gateway drug into photography.

He says: ‘As I met amazing people and watched other great photographers, I grew. I met my wife two years ago and we got married 2 months ago. She has been a photographer for 5 years now.’ Together they work as successful photographers and couldn’t be more excited. He recently purchased his first film camera and is looking forward shooting with it. We are already curious to see his first results.

Follow: @stephenalkire

Click here and check Insta Favs#49 with Baixiang Chen

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