Insta Fav #52: Ana Barros


Meet our Insta Fav #52, Ana Barros aka @anasbarros, a portuguese architect currently working in Vienna. Her passion for photography came late in her life, it was in the last year of her studies. Her program was quite free so she decided to go for a photography class along with architecture and she got hooked.

Both disciplines have been always side by side in Ana’s life since then and you can clearly identify her keen eye and her sense for forms, space and composition in her pictures. As she says, lately her passion for taking pictures just got bigger with Instagram. ‘It’s so fascinating the way you’re now able to take a picture, edit, upload and in couple of minutes you’re getting feedback from people all around the world.’

Follow: @anasbarros

If you’d like to become a future ‘Insta Fav’, follow @ignant. We’ll look into it.

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