Insta Fav #63: Corina Nika Dadami
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
Our Insta Fav #63 is Corina Nika Dadami, a graphic designer passionate about jewellery design, photography and exploring. Today she’s living in Kefalonia Island, originally she is from Russia. She loves the rich nature of the island which gets quite obvious when watching her feed. Enjoy.
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Where are you from? How does that place influence the way you photograph?
At the moment, I’m living on Kefalonia Island in Greece. The way I photograph, has changed quite a lot within the couple of years I’ve been here.
I noticed how I pay much more attention to small details, things I wouldn’t notice before, I’m more attracted to the “island” elements, like small houses, the colour blue and the sea.
What are your favorite environments to shoot in?
Big clean spaces. There’s nothing most appealing than big spaces to me. Wether it’s a building, a beach, or up on the mountain, I am always in awe when reminded how small we are.
What are the strengths of shooting primarily mobile? How does this affect your imagery?
Being sponteneous! When I’m shooting with my camera, I usually take some time, to set the perfect scenery, check the lighting and the settings. Not that i don’t do the same when shooting with mobile, but it definitely feels more “picture at the point”, simply capturing the moment, the essence, and atmosphere of that very second, rather than taking the perfect shot.
Who and what are the things that inspire you?
The first thing that inspires me like nothing else, is nature. Being around trees, fresh air, listening to the birds and bees, and enjoying the silence is like food to my soul and mind. Right next to nature, I would say the second best would be music.
Soul touching music, that makes your mind lost and relaxes your body. It could be different kinds, from classic, to chill out, to alternative. Most of the times I’m attracted to ethnic music, violins, melancholic and liberating tunes.
Tell us a little about your everyday.
On a perfect day in my week, I would be able to fit everything in. Waking up around 7 am, walking the dog, having a good breakfast and yoga. Being a freelance graphic designer, gives me the flexibility to set my own schedule.
Therefore, I would be able -let’s say- on that perfect day take a few hours break and go on an adventure around the island, exploring beaches, caves and waterfalls with our friends. Then a good movie in the evening and maybe a walk with the dog to the square of the town.
Which Apps do you use to edit your pictures?
Most of the edit of my pictures is usually done with Photoshop. I use it to correct the lighting and maybe a few imperfections. For filters and a quick edit i always use VSCO.
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