Landline By Aakash Nihalani


Aakash Nihalani created ‘Landline’ as a series of performative installations. Colorful bars pass through individuals, connecting them to each other and functioning as extensions of the urban landscape.

The participants examine their own insides and connections, a visual expression of both the isolation and community that Nihalani often feels living in Brooklyn. He states: “We spend so much time existing in virtual reality, these works are a visible connection to the real world.”

All images © Aakash Nihalani

"Landline" by Aakash Nihalani"Landline" by Aakash Nihalani"Landline" by Aakash Nihalani"Landline" by Aakash Nihalani"Landline" by Aakash NihalaniAakash_Nihalani_-Landline_06Aakash_Nihalani_-Landline_07
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