Top 10 Self-portraits
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- Caroline Kurze
Self-portraits are a tricky thing that often reveal the true masters of photography as you have to consider many things at once and be the subject as well as the creator of your own work. Here we collected our Top 10 artists who investigate their personality, their human form and their vision through self-portraits. If you’d like to see more of one of the artists, just click on their image or name. Enjoy.
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Katja Kemnitz draws most of her inspiration from the nature, its silence, timeless beauty and dense colors. She started out taking self-portraits to get to know her camera before she took snaps of her friends. Today she works as a professional photographer with various clients.
Freelance photographer Mira Heo creates simple, yet profound self-portraits, investigating herself, her fears, hopes and dreams that she describes here.
Photographer Catherin Colaw explores sexuality and nakedness, vulnerability and separateness with her self-portraits. In her work the dismemberment of the nude women’s body becomes a simultaneously beautiful and oppressive dialogue between the landscape and the female form.
Lee Price creates realistic oil paintings, that show women and food in their intimate and private settings. The pictures are self-portraits of her, getting excessive with food that is considered indulgent, forbidden, or comforting. Her works addresses the intersections of food with body image, addiction, and unabating desire.
JeeYoung Lee creates highly elaborate scenes that require an incredible amount of patience and absolutely no photo manipulation. For weeks and sometimes months, JeeYoung Lee works in her small studio bringing to life worlds that defy all logic. In the middle of the sets you can always find the artist herself as her unconventional works are always also self-portraits.
Japanese photographer Hayashi Natsumi is best known for her levitating self-portraits. Her images show herself captured while she jumps up though the resulting photograph created the illusion that she’d hover above the ground. Hayashi Natsumi doesn’t use photoshop to edit her pictures afterwards.
Cris Romagosa creates the most beautiful photography that she arranges by seasons in her portfolio. As she tells us her work centers around shooting herself, not as a self portrait but rather as a body, capable of communicating with the observer in a free and anonymous way with an open meaning and interpretation.
The pictures of Munic-based photographer Laura Zalenga transfer emotions, tell real-life fairytales and manage to create a whole new world. Her work mostly consists of self-portraits as she loves the special challenge of doing everything by herself.
At the age of 18 Ben Zank began taking photographs for fun after he discovered a Pentax ME Super in his grandmother’s attic. His self-portraits aim to stretch the viewer’s imagination and express his feelings when words fail.
Born and raised in Shanghai Pixy Liao is an artist currently residing in Brooklyn, NY. She is best known for her work called ‘Experimental Relationship’, which is an ongoing series of self-portraits of her and her boyfriend Moro.