Insta Fav #81: Sean Santiago


Our Insta Fav of the week is Sean Santiago who works as a writer, photographer and editor at Lonny Magazine in New York. He also has his own blog named This Fruit where he writes about his everyday. His Instagram Feed is filled with the patterns and colors of New York while we especially enjoy the effortless and serene style of his imagery. Get to know Sean Santiago in the following Q&A and make sure to check his profile.

Follow: @thisfruitsnaps

Where are you from? How does that place influence the way you photograph?
I grew up in California, but now live in Brooklyn. I think it most influences the way I compose my shots. There isn’t always a lot of negative space in New York; your canvas can get crowded more easily.

What are your favorite environments to shoot in?
Anywhere with great natural light!

What are the strengths of shooting primarily mobile? How does this affect your imagery?
I like that I have a camera always on me now, and that I can be spontaneous. But over time I’ve gotten to be more considerate with what I post to Instagram and have learned to wait and spend some time with each photo to make it the best it can be. As great as iPhone photos are, they’re far from perfect, usually, which is why it’s great that there are so many editing apps available.

Who and what are the things that inspire you?
Oof, it really could be anything, from placing old tear sheets next to each other and seeing what kind of dialogue they have to what an old man is wearing on the street. I feel pretty constantly intrigued by people, if only for the stories I imagine they might have to tell.

Favorite instagrammers?
@lukeedwardhall and Japanese moms.

Tell us a little about your everyday.
My day-to-day looks mostly like this: cappuccino and pain au chocolat from Gasoline Alley coffee; walk to the office through Washington Square Park, try to get my day organized or take some meetings; lunch from home—often a kale salad, which I’ll prep the morning of or sometimes the night before; afternoon coffee break (another cappuccino, this time from Saturdays Surf in the West Village or maybe an iced latte from La Colombe) and then more writing, editing and posting throughout the day. I try to cook dinner every night as well.

Which Apps do you use to edit your pictures?
Snapseed and VSCO Cam

If you’d like to become a future Insta Fav, follow @ignant. We’ll look into it.
