Hyperrealistic Resin Art by Keng Lye


Sixteen years after founding his own graphic design agency in 1995, Singapore-based artist Keng Lye decided to leave the design industry behind and focus on his own art – especially his breathtaking and hyperrealistic pieces comprised of synthetic resin and acrylic paint.

Each piece takes about four to five days to make, pouring a layer of resin into a container, covering it up to protect it from dust, painting a layer of acrylic, let the paint dry, adding another layer of resin and repeating it over and over again until the fish, turtle or octopus is completed. While patience is definitely needed to create these artworks, Keng Lye believes in the serenity his aquatic animals embody and wants them to transfer that calmness onto its viewer.

All images © Keng Lye
