Insta Fav #86: Jarvis Lawson
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
Our Insta Fav #86 is Jarvis Lawson, a self-taught photographer from Milwaukee. For our Insta Favs, we often choose people with a passion for the great outdoors, shooting mainly in natural environments though Jarvis is working in a very different direction, taking pictures of urban scenes, using symmetry and architecture as his subject. His images present the urban space as a playground for the eye and the camera and we sure enjoy his keen eye for interesting shapes and details.
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Where are you from? How does that place influence the way you photograph?
I’m from Milwaukee, Wi. It’s a smaller city, so I have to be creative and hustle there. However, I’m often in my neighboring city – Chicago, il. I love that place, too. Both have heavy influences on my work. I’m big on architecture and symmetry, and both provide that.
What are your favorite environments to shoot in?
Probably dark eerie weather. Lately, It’s been whatever. And fog is always fun to be in.
What are the strengths of shooting primarily mobile? How does this affect your imagery?
Strengths are obviously you have an iPhone in your pocket wherever you are. But, I primarily shoot with an SLR (Canon 5d). Making the jump a year ago has been awesome and I’ll never regret it. Can’t beat the sharpness and clarity.
Who and what are the things that inspire you?
People I follow on various photography sites, as well as family. Also, myself. I constantly want to progress and everyday is something new/ different. Don’t be afraid to experiment.
Favorite instagrammers?
Hmm… No particular order – @thirdpartyphoto, @trashhand, @dubelz, @nativechild, @robsesphoto, @13thwitness and @vincentchapters
Which Apps do you use to edit your pictures?
I use VSCO Cam, VSCOFilm and Adobe Lightroom. I felt that VSCO is built for my type of style lol.
Tell us a little about your everyday.
well, I have a beautiful girlfriend and we’re having a baby soon! And I’m going to have a baby girl. I’m stoked about it, and it’s a new chapter in my life. With that, my everyday hustle is balancing work with photography. Seems like every week I’m in a different location shooting – and that’s what I love about the game. And ultimately I’d love to shoot professionally one day.
If you’d like to become a future Insta Fav, follow @ignant or post your profile in the comments below. We’ll look into it.