Animated Interview with Thoka Maer
- Words
- Caroline Kurze
We featured Thoka Maer and her lovely project ‘It’s no biggie’ previously on iGNANT and stop by regularly to check her latest additions. We just love her style that is so neat and whimsical while especially her animated GIFs are equally wonderful, humorous and intriguing. We feel like we know Thoka already although we didn’t met in person yet and we’re really happy to introduce her in the following not only illustrated but animated interview. Enjoy and thank you Thoka for taking the time to do this interview.
+ Read MoreHow do you feel today?
What do you do in your spare time?
What’s your secret passion?
What’s your favorite spot?
Your latest genius purchase?
How does the source of inspiration look like?
Who’s your childhood hero?
How do you picture us?
All images © Thoka Maer