Wonderlust by Sarah Anne Johnson
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- Caroline Kurze
We featured Canadian artist Sarah Anne Johnson and her series ‘Arctic Wonderland’ previously. Now she is back with her work ‘Wonderlust’, capturing the most intimate moments between couples, snapping revealing shots of sexual partners engaged in the act. Her images, adorned with everything from glitter to ink, conceal the real identities of her subjects, placing the viewer in the role of protected voyeur.
+ Read MoreJohnston first photographed friends and willing acquaintances, then manipulated the resulting portraits, burning and etching away at the images until faces and bodies faded into the collaged scenes. The act of sex bleeds through the transformed figures, blurring the lines between the privacy of relationships and the public nature of exhibited art.
All images © Sarah Anne Johnson, Courtesy Julie Saul Gallery, New York | Via: Huffingtonpost