#ignt_concretejungle Winner Konrad Langer
- Words
- Jessica Jungbauer
With our weekly Insta Fav Feature we offer you a chance to actively promote your own account to become a future Insta Fav on the blog.
+ Read MoreEvery Thursday we announce a certain topic via a hashtag, afterwards you’ll have 4 days to make a photo related to our topic and upload it to your Instagram using the hashtag. Who submitted the best image will be featured as our Insta Fav in the following week. This weeks topic is #ignt_pictureinapicture and here are a few rules and tips:
– Please only submit your own photographs to the project and keep them in a square format. Any image tagged until Sunday 0.00 am MESZ is eligible to be featured right here.
– If you want to submit your photo, use the hashtag #ignt_pictureinapicture and upload your photo until Sunday the 05.07. on your Instagram account. Have fun and good luck, we can’t wait to see your submissions.
Berlin-based photographer Konrad Langer won this feature with his submission to our last weeks hashtag #ignt_concretejungle. Thank you for all your submissions.
Follow: @konaction
When and where did you take the picture? Tell us a little about the idea behind it.
I took this picture in June 2015 at an old bunker in Berlin-Mitte where I had a fashion shooting that day. Once I saw this tree, I knew, I would love to capture it. For me, the image stands for the maximal limitation of nature in our urban environment. A glimpse of jungle within the concrete.
Where are you from? How does that place influence the way you photograph?
I live in Berlin since 2011. This city makes it quite easy to find new and interesting places. The variety of architecture and street life is big and it’s still changing a lot. In general, I have to say, the more urban, clean and structured a city looks, the more happy I am to shoot there.
Who and what are the things that inspire you?
There are actually a lot of things where I can get inspriration from. Traveling new cities and meeting interesting people in general but it could also be just a certain ray of light, a shadow, a thing to climb up to get new perspectives, a nice outfit, an interesting wall, a clean puddle, a sportsground, crazy architecture or a Wes Anderson movie.
Your favorite instagrammers?
There are so many good and inspiring accounts on Instagram. Basically everyone I follow has a certain impact on me. I like the clean style of many East- and South-East-Asian Instagrammers as well as the colorful and creative scene from Mexico, Brazil or Argentina. If I had to point out my all-time favorites these would be @nunoassis and @lindaberlin.
Which Apps do you use to edit your pictures?
No surprises, I use VSCO on almost every picture that I upload. Also the latest version of Snapseed has a lot of helpful tools to edit.
Tell us a little about your everyday. (Family, friends, work, etc.)
Originally, I studied Social Science and Journalism and worked in Marketing and Online Magazines for a few years. About two months ago, I quit my regular job to focus mainly on my visual entertainment in social networks. My friends and family are living all over the world, so I travel a lot to keep contact but Berlin is definitely my homebase, it feels good to be part of this city. For the future I try to build up a business as location expert and photographer, where I still have to work on a lot, but I enjoy what I am doing at the moment.