
Geometric Sculptures In Nature By Martin Hill


Environmental artist Martin Hill sets up geometric sculptures in nature using organic materials such as ice, sticks and stones.

“The question for me has always been ‘What changes minds most?'”Living and working near Wanaka in New Zealand, Hill creates his site-specific installations together with his partner Philippa Jones, exploring the topic of sustainability since 1992. The temporary artworks are then preserved through photographs.

Speaking about the concept behind his art, Hill says in an exclusive statement: “The question for me has always been ‘What changes minds most?’ It is my hope that my work not only brings people closer to nature but to understanding our place in nature and the connection between our choices and the potential for human alignment with nature for a sustainable future.”

martinhill_art_Sunrise Circle
60994_Autumn Leaf
martinhill_art_Circle Of Circles
martinhill_art_Diamond Lake Ice Circle
martinhill_art_Ice Circle
martinhill_art_Interwoven World 2
martinhill_art_ Wetland Guardian
martinhill_art_Burning Issues
60994_Rising Circle
martinhill_art_Mountain Guardian
martinhill_art_Rainforest Guardian
martinhill_art_Alpine Ice Cycle

All images © Martin Hill

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