The Colors Of South America
- Location
- Words
- Anna Dorothea Ker
Director and filmmaker Pirmin Juffinger and photographer Mia Felinè of Austrian film and photo studio Golden Fox recently shared with us their travels around South America in a series of peaceful, minimal captures.
“We are all about significant and sharp pictures packed into strong stories.”Documenting the wildy varying landscapes of the continent, as well as its wildlife, Juffinger and Felinè’s images are notable for their careful composition, crisp finish, and palette of pale blues, earthy reds and golden yellows. The vastness of the landscapes the pair traveled through inspired poetic, philosophical reflection on solitude, traveling and letting go, as revealed in the statements that accompany the series below. “We are all about significant and sharp pictures packed into strong stories,” reads Golden Fox’s website. “We are on a mission to fascinate.” In this mission, with these photographs, they succeed.

“A journey to extremely different and thrilling landscapes. This continent leaves you speechless. Then it turns you into a story teller. In this land, where it seems even sights are blown away, only the rocks have been able to withstand the wind.

“Only night forgives the failings of language.”An untidy row of poles and severed cables is all that remains of this telegraph line. Isolation, the frustration of the message without a destiny. Perhaps because of that, in this very spot, I am writing phrases formed of the endless material of the days. Ideas separated by years, each one a product of its time. Those words that are read beneath the light of day should be simple. Only night forgives the failings of language.

Sometimes it feels like there are so many things in this world that we can’t control. Earthquakes, floods, reality shows. But it’s important to remember the things that we can – like forgiveness, second chances, fresh starts. Because the one thing that changes the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place is love. Love, in any of its forms.”
"The one thing that changes the world from a lonely place to a beautiful place is love. Love, in any of its forms."

All images © Mia Feline & Pirmin Juffinger of GOLDENFOX