Clothing For The Emotionally Dispossessed
- Words
- Anna Dorothea Ker
A specialist in custom-made footwear and accessories, the bold and experimental Miami-born designer Gabriella Marina Gonzalez now calls Berlin home.
“I want my works to be as accessible and and real as the people who wear them.”Motivated by the impulse to involve her wearer in the narrative her designs weave, Gonzalez states, “I sleep sound in the knowledge that I hand craft each piece individually for a specific person and that piece will be enjoyed and loved for an indefinite length of time the way a piece of art or sculpture is.” The following photos, taken by Vivek Vadoliya, are unretouched. “Why should we fake a standard of perfection when people are already so beautiful with all their imperfection?” questions the designer. “I want my works to be as accessible and and real as the people who wear them.”

All images © Vivek Vadoliya / Designs: Gabriella Marina Gonzalez / Stylist: Holly-Ann Ladd / MUA: Victoria Reuter / Models: Jane Sheperd, Kevin Bo