A Day In The Office
- Words
- Monika Mróz
In a series of humorous part-staged, part-documentary images, Robin Dahlberg captured the life in one law firm in New York, exploring the hardships and paradoxes of corporate culture.
Dahlberg, who used to work as a lawyer herself, used her own experience to examine how the corporate environment affects employees’ lives and their relationships with others. Like many corporate businesses, law firms portray themselves as families, primarily for recruitment purposes. Hidden behind the good manners, great wall art and nice looking suits, this image might not be so true. “In reality, however, the law firm ‘family’ is as dysfunctional as every other family,” states the photographer. Filled with anxiety, interpersonal conflicts and even sexual tension, the office environment shown in Dahlberg’s images seems to be so stressful it even becomes grotesque. “The use of humor was very important to me. I think it makes the project’s point of view more palatable,” she says.

All images © Robin Dahlberg