The Missing Dining Table
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- Anna Dorothea Ker
As eating habits evolve and solitary dining becomes the norm for many around the world, so too must our furniture and tableware adapt.
“Through the collection we attempt to provoke, think ahead and create conversations.”This idea is explored by the Singapore-based studio Creativeans x Andrew Loh, whose project ‘The Missing Dining Table’ playfully explores possible alternative future dining-related objects, all with solo dining in mind. “Through a unique blend of design, techniques and materials, the collection seeks to relook, reinvent and inspire new possibilities of dining. “As we take an adventurous trip down the proverbial rabbit hole and venture into the unknown dining future, we do so without the intention of dictating the future but rather to stretch our imagination as we question the very act of dining and offer alternatives and possibilities,” explains the design team. “Through the collection we attempt to provoke, think ahead and create conversations.” Here we present a few of our favorites. Learn more about the entire project here.

All images © courtesy of Creativeans