Furniture Made From Seaweed
- Words
- Monika Mróz
After two years of exploring the possibilities of the seaweed as a material, Dutch designer Nienke Hoogvliet has developed Sea Me, a collection of modern and sustainable furniture.
“Seaweed has great sustainable potential.”Through her studies, Hoogvliet discovered even more potential than she expected: natural dye with seaweed offered a wide variety of colours. Every type of seaweed gave different colors, so she could dye textiles into greens, browns, greys and even pinks and purples. The light fastness of the dye is proven to be more than qualified. More than that, the designer worked also on optimizing the production, using the leftovers from one process for another one.
Calling for sustainable textile design, Hoogvliet explains: “Seaweed has great sustainable potential. For example, it cleans the seawater from pollution like phosphates, since these are nutrients for the seaweed. Seaweed takes CO2 and converts it to oxygen, it’s even one of the main sources for oxygen on earth!”

All images © courtesy of Studio Nienke Hoogvliet