Tracing The Soviet Symbols Of Utopia
- Words
- Monika Mróz
Travelling thousands of kilometres in search for the former symbols of USSR’s technological progress, Russian photographer Danila Tkachenko created a series of images that speak about human impulse towards utopia and people’s striving for perfection.
Tkachenko’s photographs bear witness of what remains after the progress has ground to a halt. Realized in 2013-2015, the project ‘Restricted Areas‘ shows the places that, once a symbol of Soviet power and future, have lost their significance over the years as the idea of utopia became obsolete. Tkachenko’s photographs bear witness of what remains after the progress has ground to a halt.
Photographs from the series have been on show in Fotogalerie Friedrichshain in Berlin this year. The exhibition at Fotogalerie Friedrichshain have presented a deeper perspective on the ‘Restricted Areas’ series, complementing it by archival material and additional data, cultural and historical references to the objects in the series, as well as found artefacts from Tkachenko’s travels.

All images © Danila Tkachenko