Kim Høltermand’s Raw Imagery
- Words
- Monika Mróz
Architectural photographer Kim Høltermand‘s minimalist style shows that what’s the most important is hidden in the details.
Focusing mainly on architecture and landscape, Høltermand has worked for the likes of Apple, Adobe or Behance, just to name few. His award-winning images have also appeared in numerous publications, such as Port Magazine, The Great Wide Open book by GESTALTEN or GRAFIK Magazine. His photos of ‘Frederiksvej Kindergarden‘, a project by Danish studio COBE, are highly focused on details, giving the viewer a slow peek at the materials it was made of. This simplicity, combined with the rawness of black and white, corresponds with the project’s main idea – the roof line was built as if the child would draw it, reminiscent of a sketch.

All images © Kim Høltermand