Hyperrealistic Oil Paintings By Robin Eley


Based in Los Angeles, California, English artist Robin Eley completed his studies in Fine Arts at Westmont College, USA and began his career as a professional illustrator. In 2012, the artist was a finalist for the Archibald Prize, and also opened his first solo exhibition titled “Singularity” the same year. His series shows beautiful hyperrealistic oil paintings depicting portraits of men and women wrapped with crinkled plastic paper. The image content considers the interaction between people in modern society, particularly in the realm of social media where there are controlled levels of transparency, symbolised by this plastic veil. The pictures can be seen as a response to the growing sense of isolation within modern culture. Not isolation in a traditional sense, physical and beyond our control, but emotional and of our own design. Each portrait or figurative piece in particular is emanating a sense of isolation in a special way. The jaw dropping detail, rich tone, light and color that Robin Eley’s paintings possess, are generated by the sheer quality of the draftsmanship and execution of his brushwork.

All images © Robin Eley