Naomi Harris’s Haddon Hall Series
- Words
- Sarah Press
In the late 90s, Canadian photographer Naomi Harris checked into Haddon Hall Hotel in South Beach during her trip to Miami, Florida. Fascinated by the people and the community living in the hotel year-round, Naomi started to capture their daily routines for her series titled “Haddon Hall”.
The seedy hotel offered the seniors a place for a very cheap price including tiny rooms with an old television and a small kitchen enabling the tenant to make their own meals. The artist spent some time at the senior friendly hotel, shooting the pensioners relaxing in the sun, chatting with friends and getting their hair done by each other. The following winter Naomi returned to Miami and stayed in the hotel as a guest for two months in order to get better access. By living and being there everyday, the artist was able to get to know them better and play a part in their community by taking them to the doctors or getting their groceries for them. In her pictures Naomi focuses on highly saturated colours mimic the sunny splendour associated with Miami. Combined with the flash an even more vibrant contrast was emerged. At first appearance, a garish glamour frames her series, but Naomi points out the hardship the residents were living in despite the blue skies and swimming pools.

All images © Naomi Harris