Daniel Kovalovszky Captures Green Silence
- Words
- Nina Blace
In an ongoing photography project titled “Green Silence”, Daniel Kovalovszky captures pensive, perpetual silence embodied by uninterrupted nature. Observing stillness in this world undistracted by civilization, the photographer is discovering a new universe that he is documenting with his composed and dreamy images.
For the Budapest-based photographer, this project represents more than just a series of photographs. Green Silence is a personal revelation of experiences emerged from undisturbed spaces of silence. In the woods, among the trees, the photographer becomes immersed in this considered scenery with a perfect order and composition. “I am experimenting and watching nature which surrounds me. I closely pay attention to the passing time, the connection between nature and me and this silent monitoring of nature somehow therapeutically dissolves into photography,” says Kovalovszky.

All images © Daniel Kovalovszky