Thursday’s Child By Stephanie Brunia
- Words
- Sarah Press
Stephanie Brunia is a photographer based in Iowa City, Iowa, using the medium to explore desires and fears of her surrounding human connection.
The idea for her series titled “Thursday’s Child” emerged from the moment when Brunia noticed her dad’s age in a way she hadn’t before. Brunia captures those moments in a collection of photographs that show her father’s aging process and the transitional nature of their relationship. “Some of my dad’s aging became more apparent. Our rhythms were just a little bit different than they used to be. He walked a little slower, his hearing was not quite what it used to be,” she says. “It was nothing extreme, but I felt the change and I wanted to explore the subtleties of that change.” The photographer uses gesture to explore her own anxieties about her father’s aging. In one picture she wraps her hair across his face as an abstract gesture that speaks to the notion of wanting to protect him while also visually obscuring him. With this project, Brunia wants to stop the time for a moment and tries to save what deserves to be saved.

All images © Stephanie Brunia