Rope Art Installations by Janaina Mello Landini
- Name
- Janaina Mello Landini
- Images
- Janaina Mello Landini
- Words
- Sarah Press
Developed over a period of six years, Janaina Mello Landini’s work appears as representations of the circulatory system of the human body or roots from the natural world, created from unbraided and twisted rope.
Janaina Mello Landini combines her understanding of architecture, mathematics, and physics to create each work. Most of her Ciclotrama sculptures are composed of a single piece of colorful rope attached to a canvas. By unbraiding certain sections of the twisted cord, the artist creates a complex network of intertwining branches, resulting in web-like patterns. In addition to these wall hangings, she also creates large-scale, site-specific installations that artfully design ordinary spaces with systems of spiderwebs. The artist’s main idea is to create a physical experience of tension, depicting imaginary networks, which define spaces and retell stories.

“The rope used is an object of the everyday world, only transformed by the action of undo and redo—unroll, divide and twist—and the time spent in this process is imprinted on the organic body of Ciclotramas.” – Janaina Mello Landini
All images © Janaina Mello Landini