Contorting Sculptures In Public Spaces By Ken Kelleher
- Name
- Ken Kelleher
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- Ken Kelleher
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- Steph Wade
American Sculptor Ken Kelleher makes large-scale digital sculptures that are imagined in real public spaces. The abstract renderings are mammoth in size and appear to stand in strong contrast to their surroundings of galleries, gardens, and public squares.
Kelleher sees sculpture as a continuous dialogue between material and form, light and shadow, time and space, and content. His digital art is part of an ongoing creative endeavor where surprise is a key element: “I’d say surprise and delight”, remarks the artist. “There’s an element of surprise when you create something that has never before existed in the world”. Kelleher’s work is inspired by abstract sculptors David Smith and Anthony Caro. He takes basic, elemental shapes and inflates them; then alters and layers them in newly imagined forms. The intention behind this is to facilitate dialogue about what it means to create—whether that’s real, tangible art or digital renderings. “Sculpture for me is an inquiry into the deep mysterious nature of things”, he continues. “What does it say to you? Where will it love? What is its larger context of being?”

All images © Ken Kelleher