Nadia Von Scotti’s Striking Photographs Capture The Pure Spirit Of Nature
- Name
- Nadia von Scotti
- Words
- Steph Wade
The work of German photographer Nadia von Scotti tells a story of people and place; she combines unforgettable landscapes with vibrant, ethereal editorials that aim to prompt reflection and wonder in the viewer.
Taken from ‘Nord’, ‘Süd’, and ‘The Secret Garden’, the selection of images below depict an inspiring snapshot of the landscapes and environments that von Scotti is surrounded by. Based in Cape Town, South Africa, she is interested in exploring the relationship between humans and the spaces we inhabit. Although her work crosses countries and continents, what features centrally throughout is arresting landscapes and people connecting with them. “My work makes people meditate on how we perceive the beauty of this planet and our interaction with it,” she explains.
Through her compelling imagery, von Scotti elicits a quiet anthropological commentary. “The future of this planet and of humankind is something we can actively work for,” she says. “We must not waste energy blaming the world, the politicians, the corporations, the neighbor. We must not wait but understand the power of creation; the gift of the human mind to craft something out of nothing.” With this, von Scotti uses her photographic skills to capture what’s most personally evocative to her, while presenting a worldview that is active, and not passive: “We were given the ability to visualize,” she adds, “to play with ideas and to condense these ideas into a concept that we can turn into reality, into meaning, and into impact.”

All images © Nadia von Scotti