Monoha · Seoul, South Korea
- Name
- Monoha
- Words
- Steph Wade
With ‘Monoha’, the ultra-minimal cafe, store, and gallery space in Seoul designed by Korean firm Creative Studio Unravel, a raw material palette and the absence of clutter make for a pared-back, utilitarian interior.
Monoha presents an in-depth material case study, with polished stainless steel cabinetry and tables, pale stone flooring, long, simple display benches, and textured silver walls that appear like steel wool. An open-plan layout encourages a natural dialog between customers, objects, and art works, bringing the contemporary pieces to the forefront of the space. “The aesthetics of absence can be said to be valuable and beautiful,” explains the firm of the project. By working with a beige and gray color palette, Creative Studio Unravel has designed a light and warm space whereby homewares and accessories such as ceramics, books, and clothes sit alongside changing exhibitions of sculptures and artworks. The room’s large windows provide passersby on the street to get a glimpse of the pieces in question.

36 Dokseodang-ro,
Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Tues – Sat: 11:00 – 19:00
All images © Creative Studio Unravel