Bartholot | Rebecca Martin


Oftentimes, we stumble upon artworks that stem from the same idea but have very different visual outcomes. That’s why we set up our ‘Two of a Kind‘ series – to see how two artists working with the same starting materials can transform them in their own unique way. This time, we gave Berlin-based creatives Bartholot and Rebecca Martin a pair of white Converse Chuck Taylor All Stars, string and colored chalk. This is what they came up with…



Bartholot, also known as Robert Bartholot, is a visual artist who uses sculptural and graphic photography to create imagery that explores “artificiality and the unexplained”. Since 2009, he’s been running his own studio in Berlin, where he works with digital photography and develops concepts at the intersection of art and design. For our ‘Two of a Kind’ series, Bartholot created catchy GIFs and images against a milky purple background.



Australian designer, prop stylist and art director Rebecca Martin, who lives and works in Berlin, creates bold and playful visuals using everyday objects. For her ‘Two of a Kind’ contribution, Martin created sharp imagery by playing with shadows and sparing splashes of color.

– In collaboration with Converse –

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