Cape Town From Dawn To Dusk
- Location
- Cape Town · South Africa
- Words
- Anna Dorothea Ker
Born in Slovenia, raised in Croatia and now based in Berlin, photographer Katja Kremenic works mostly in analogue to create intimate, evocative images.
“I get a special kind of feeling while traveling, especially to places I’ve never been before.”With a portfolio spanning fashion, portraiture and adventure photography, Kremenic’s recent travels took her to Cape Town, South Africa, where she documented a day in her life for us. “I often shoot analog so I don’t take many pictures,” Kremenic said in a recent interview. “But I have to admit I get a special kind of feeling while traveling, especially to places I’ve never been before. Probably because it’s all so very new I have to be extra careful with what my eyes and camera really want to document.” In the following series, she tells the story of a land she didn’t want to leave.

“I woke up to a windy and cloudy day and took a hike to wake up properly and welcome the sun. I was lucky enough to be staying in Sea Point, just a couple of streets away from where Lion’s Head and Signal Hill are easily reachable.

“I took a photo of baboons kissing and then they followed me around – they confused my bag of film for food.”I ran down the hill, took a shower and decided to drive down the cape to check out some locations we were about to use for a shoot in the next few days. I took the coastal route and drove down the Chapman’s Peak Drive to Noordhoek Beach, past the Misty Cliffs and all the way down to Cape of Good Hope. I took a photo of baboons kissing and then they followed me around – they confused my bag of film for food. On the way back up I stopped in Kommetje, a small town I really like, but I’m not really sure why.

“I enjoy her free-spirited energy – she’s so easy to photograph in any occasion.”In late afternoon I met with Lilly, a friend of my mine and a model from Germany, in Llandudno beach. She was tired from a morning full of castings but still agreed to do some fittings and test shots for a swimwear brand we were working for together. I enjoy her free-spirited energy – she’s so easy to photograph in any occasion.

We drove a up a bit to meet Lilly’s friend Miles while watching the sunset from a tiny but totally charming Bakoven Beach. A friend of Miles was celebrating his birthday with wonderful food and wine right there on the beach. I’m such a sucker for summer and sunsets! My birthday was coming up two days upon my return to snowy Europe, and all evening long I kept thinking I should change my flight.”
"All evening long I kept thinking I should change my flight."
All images © Katja Kremenic