10 Office Spaces We Wouldn’t Mind Working In
- Words
- Anna Dorothea Ker
While office design doesn’t traditionally bring to mind innovation and inspiration, the daily 9-5 doesn’t have to be a grind if the space that surrounds you inspires.
We take a step back from the slides, ping pong tables and ball pits to seek out work spaces that stand out for their concept alone. Whether due to an awe-inspiring renovation, a forward-thinking use of materials or a clever layout, the following 10 office designs are ones in which we wouldn’t mind working.
Nothing Office by Joost van Bleiswijk
All images © courtesy of Joost van Bleiswijk
The Dutch designer Joost van Bleiswijk, renowned for his ‘No Screw No Glue‘ collection, designed a cardboard interior for Amsterdam advertising agency Nothing, slotting together 1500 separate pieces of reinforced cardboard without any fixings.
The End of Sitting Office Concept by RAAF
All images © Jaan Kempenaers / Ricky Rijkenberg
Though merely a concept at this stage, ‘The End of Sitting’ is an experimental installation that responds to the scientific evidence pointing to the negative effects of sitting for too long every day. The project moves away from the chair and desk set-up, providing suggestions for alternative – and of course healthier – ways of working, moving and interacting within the work environment.
Shoffice by Platform 5 Architects
All images © Alan Williams
Tucked behind a 1950s terraced house in St John’s Wood, London, sits a small curved pavilion hosting an office space-cum-garden shed. Created from timber and lined with oak, the so-called ‘shoffice’ was designed as a sculptural garden feature, and elevates working from home to a whole new level.
Meguro Office Space by nendo
All images © courtesy of nendo
We would expect nothing less than perfection from the renowned Japanese design studio nendo in their own office, located near Tokyo’s Meguro river. Arched dividing walls set the scene, creating a light, multi-functional environment.
Fusionner 2.0: Paper Cave by Kotaro Horiuchi
All images © Issei Mori
The Japanese architect Kotaro Horiuchi designed a permanent installation inside his studio, hanging glass fibre paper from the ceiling to create a glowing white multi-purpose cave.
The Factory by Ricardo Bofill
All images © courtesy of Ricardo Bofill
The architect Ricardo Bofill transformed a decaying cement factory – originally comprising machine rooms, subterranean bunkers and silos, as well as stairs leading to nowhere – into the headquarters of his practice, Taller de Arquitectura.
Selgas Cano Architecture Office by Iwan Baan / Selgas Cano
All images © Iwan Baan
Tucked into the woods near Madrid is the tube-like office of the revered architecture practice Selgas Cano. Designed to bring its occupants closer to nature, the office space is fronted by a 2cm thick curved window made from transparent acrylic, completed with a pulley system to allow for natural ventilation.
Midwest Inland Port Financial Town by Hallucinate Design Office
All images © Javier Callejas Sevilla
Designed in a striking yet calm style, the Midwest Inland Port Financial Town houses the largest metals trading platform in Asia, Maike Group Metals. Gridded walls featuring stock and trading information blur the boundaries between the building and technology, offering a future-leaning vision that reflects the company’s values and vision.
DI_Telegraph by Archiproba
All images © Ilya Ivanov
Built in 1927 ny Ivan Rerbeg, the monumental Central Telegraph building in the middle of Moscow is noteworthy for its unique combination of modernist and constructivist features. In renovating the space for the purposes of Dream Industries, Archiproba aimed to restore the original features – brick piers, concrete columns and a rough wooden cased ceiling – back to their former glory.
Cheap Monday Office by Uglycute
All images © Mikael Olsson
The Stockholm headquarters for fashion brand Cheap Monday are centred around the pyramid motif. Soft grey fabrics and shots of yellow give a warm feeling to the two-part space, which serves as both an office and a public showroom.