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Tomasz Margol’s Haunting Street Images


Polish photographer Tomasz Margol has quickly gained a big Internet audience with his on-point street images.

Coming from Czestochowa, a city in southern Poland, Margol is better known abroad than in his native country. With most of his works being sold in USA, the photographer gained the popularity soon after he started to publish his images on the Internet, mainly on Tumlbr and Instagram. Shot in different parts of the world, Margol’s images are quietly peeked scenes, caught in that one right moment that’s so easy to miss. Looking at these photographs is like wandering through a city and catching little nuances of the surrounding world. May it be a portrait of a peculiar passer-by or a carefully captured composition of tones, Margol’s imagery seems to simply celebrate the act of observing.

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Thomas_Margol (20)
Thomas_Margol (22)
Thomas_Margol (21)
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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
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Processed with VSCO with a6 preset
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Thomas_Margol (29)
Thomas_Margol (9)
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Thomas_Margol (24)
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Thomas_Margol (19)
Thomas_Margol (26)
Thomas_Margol (16)
Thomas_Margol (10)
Thomas_Margol (18)
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Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCO with c1 preset
Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset
Thomas_Margol (17)

All images © Tomasz Margol

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