Alexis Gómez
Since 6 moths ago I came from Mexico to live to Barcelona and began to explore how the great adventures can be found just around the corner, knowing that we all live in our own tiny universe with dreams, stories, heroes and villans, and feel it expansion. It was Easter and my catalan friends planned to make a road trip trough the coast of Spain, passing through the basque country in a small rented van. The plans started with living in the vehicle for a week, with the normal stops in the way, knowing the wilderness of the lakes, forest, and the architecture we found on the road. We were four persons on the van that became our home with so many histories. Finding a good spot on a map is hard but it is still an enticing thought. We had the freedom to choose any place to spend day and night, how far do we have to drive how much food do we need to bring, we didn’t have any point of reference or preconceived notions, just an idea and dream of a new undiscovered place.