Behind the Jizz Mag
Thomas Gobauer born 1983, lives and works near Vienna, Austria. Behind the Jizz Mag When you masturbate, it’s about your own body and mind, Fragments of things you experienced. A film, a book, a magazine. Emotional, not as if you where with someone else, but still. Now if you are willing to invest a few hundred euros, you as a mere mortal masturbator can take a peek behind the curtain, behind the creation of these inspirations. A Penthouse photographer invites to look over his shoulder, he sets up the lights, asks you not to touch the models and to give him now creative input regarding the photography, because the line is long and time is short. The flash adapter that the guy in front of you hands, imagine a ten euro bill a teenage boy with great expectations buys his first pack of condoms with, all sweaty as he passes it to the clerk at the convenient store…………