Charlie Watts
At the core of it all, the work is about finding sanctuary in each other. In my artistic practice, I use magical realism to call attention to heart-wrenching issues — whether the destruction of the environment or the desecration of women — which I find to be inextricably linked. My work provides a visual escape from mundane everydayness into a fantastical world seen through the lens of queer female identity and women’s relationship to nature. Drawing on these connections between women and identity, I explore an inner-connectedness to female relationships and a physical connection to the planet. Working in the context of a society that celebrates the woman as mother and wife, my practice subverts that notion to instead celebrate our female friendships as equal to relationships with a sexual partner or spouse while simultaneously addressing female connectedness to the environment. My works returns again and again to the theme of solidarity among women. An undercurrent to these artistic