Maxime Delvaux

DPRK 2012 - “Truthfulness is what one expects from photographs about North Korea. However, there are many truths in North Korea: not in the murky post-modern sense that there are no facts to be shown, but because of the severe limitations on what one is, literally and prosaically, allowed to see. So, how can representations of grandiose decoys, representations whose very angle seems constrained by secretive officialdom, fulfill our longing for a glance at the horrors of a totalitarian regime? Shouldn’t we rather prefer a furtive glimpse of the terror unfolding behind the scenes? We should not. Catching from the corner of the eye the sight of what might be a hungry child isn’t necessary to understand the madness of the regime. The few people in the surrounding emptiness give the scale of the buildings; the sober explanations, provided by the regime itself, give the scale of the folly. …”

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