The White Pin Project
The WHITE PIN PROJECT is a concept project linked to the color WHITE, which comes true in a series of pins, with iconic silhouettes, that remind to recognizable and evocative shapes, which owe their own power to the of the WHITE as leitmotif and key joke. White, scientifically the merger of all colors, but better known as the total absence of color, is culturally a symbol of purity, innocence, marriage or grief according to the Western or Eastern point of view. The collection, however, wants to be an ironic and light reading on RHETORIC CULTURAL and COMMON TELLS, which is embodied in a series of silhouettes that communicate simple as hitting messages. Each of single objects goes beyond its use and its pure decorative function to become expressive and cultural message, able to create a bond with our emotions and our imagination.The project has cultural references that come from common saying, or from more cult contemporary sources as fashion and music . Designed by Gianfranco Setzu .